Wednesday, December 10, 2008


So, here's a little video of Travis. The first part is before he ran the marathon and the second is afterwards. Pardon the background noise. I'll post some pics and an update soon.


Unknown said...

You can't leave us hangin! How did Travis lose his eye?

MJ said...

Jessica.........Don't leave us hanging. Did Travis lose an eye in the process???

We are are "hysterically" concerned!!


JessHart27 said...

Oh, sorry! No, I was just making that comment b/c he kept squinting one eye. It was just sunny, and it had a lot of sweat in it apparently. Both eyes are in tact! Sorry about that.

Anonymous said...

Great job Trav you you started and you finished. Way to set a goal and acheive it.

Uncle Ray

P.S. See you in Hawaii at the Iron Man