Thursday, January 24, 2013

Four Months Already?!

I was a bit hesitant to write a post all about Stella's growth, progress, etc., but this blog is more for my family than anyone else, so I'm going to do it anyway. There's no way I'd be motivated to track it otherwise.

Everyone was right when they talked about how fast the time goes. It truly is unbelievable. It's crazy to think Stella is already four months old. Sometimes I feel like she's been with us forever, but most of the time, I am still in disbelief that I'm actually a mom. What a privilege!

Stella is a BIG girl. I don't think I realize it as much until I see her around other babies that were born around the same time. Of course I think it's wonderful that she's growing stronger so I'm not concerned, but it's slightly amusing, too.

Stella had her big four-month appointment this week, and here are a few of the results:

Height: 2 ft. 1.59 in.

Weight: 17 lbs. 15.4 oz.

Head: 17.13 in.

She's in the 90s for everything and gets an A+ for growth according to our pediatrician. I'm so thankful!

Stella is babbling constantly and has really started squealing and squeaking. We were also pretty excited when she rolled from her tummy to her back. I was wondering when that would finally happen! I've only seen it happen once when she was in her crib the other night, but it was pretty exciting for this mama. She's starting to get feisty and hates that she can't pull the hanging toys off her activity mat or tear some of the toys off her little activity table. And, everything is going right in to her mouth! Recently, she loves playing with blankets and burp cloths and attacks every book I read to her.

At about four months she hit a sleep regression. Where were you guys on this one? I mentioned it to one of my friends, and she told me that one of her friends had told her all about the four-month sleep regression. I had no clue! It. Was. Brutal. Not sure if it's safe to mention it in the past tense yet, but I'm stepping out in faith. For about a week and a half she was crazy. One night I swear she was up 10-12 times. From there, it finally started to taper and would drop to 4-6 times per night, and then there was last night. Oh glory! She slept SEVEN STRAIGHT HOURS. It was heavenly. And, I failed to mention during the sleep regression that naps were basically non-existent. Today she napped for almost two hours this morning and is currently working on a second nap. Folks, our baby just might be back! One can hope anyway.

Enjoy a few four-month pictures. She's posing on a quilt my great-grandma made in the first one. Isn't it beautiful?! It's also worth noting she's sporting a 12 month onesie in this shot. The cloth diapers make her a bit more bootylicious, but still!

Our little sweetheart is doing so well, and as I read about other families struggling with sick children, trying to conceive without success and losing children far too young, I never for a second forget to cherish this time.

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