Wednesday, January 6, 2010

There's no place like home

All good blog posts start with an apology, right? So, allow me to say sorry for the following pictures being in a strange random order. I really just don't have the patience to reorganize all of them so this post might seem a little out-of-sorts.

Anyway, we are now settled back into Japanese life after a long and relaxing vacation to the U.S. Our home leave trip was everything we could have hoped it would be. Although we didn't have enough time to visit with everyone and weren't able to see everyone we would have liked to, it was great! We were able to catch up with lots of family and friends, and boy, did we eat! It's really not very nice of one to binge on junk food for four weeks and to boycott exercise, but that's what I did. And, I am paying for it dearly. After a trip to the gym yesterday evening, I am hurting! Body, please forgive me.

So, let's get started with some pictures to highlight our trip home.

We finally got to meet Sawyer Lee, and what a cutie he is! Tim was bouncing and twirling him in this picture. He just giggled and giggled.

This picture is from Christmas Eve. Christy, Charity, Julie and I have been friends since we were infants, and we still remain very close. We stay in touch throughout the year and usually always manage to get in some quality time around Christmas. This year we spent the entire day after Christmas shopping, eating, getting coffee and TALKING. I swear, there wasn't 30 seconds worth of silence the entire day. We had the best time, and we've decided we're more like sisters than friends.
This picture is of Travis and our newest niece, Jensen. She is such a cool baby, and I just love her to pieces.

I was able to visit my Grandpa in the Veterans' home twice, and Travis was able to join me the second time around. I am continually amazed that I still have all four of my grandparents. I think that's unique these days, and I never take it for granted.

And, of course, I was able to love on my Little (or not so little) Skittle! She's sweeter than ever, and I enjoyed getting to scratch her big round belly lots.

On our last weekend in Missouri, I was able to visit with some of my favorite girls in St. Louis. I met Sarah, Andrea and Maya at my previous job, and we have been friends ever since. We had a great time catching up and sharing lots of laughs. We started off at a favorite Mexican restaurant and then enjoyed more conversation over some Kaldi's. I am so thankful for their friendship and encouragement. And for the fact that they put up with me and my quirkiness.

While in St. Louis, we were also able to visit with several other friends, but I forgot to take pictures. Oops! We also got to attend our home church, Summit Community, and that was wonderful. Oh, how I have missed it!

One of the best parts of our trip home was a getaway to Las Vegas! Travis and I had never been before so we joined my brother, Jonathan, and his hottie wife, Holli, for a few days in Vegas. We had such a fun time shopping, exploring, getting dolled up and of course, eating! My brother even surprised us one night with a cruise in a limo down the Las Vegas strip and dinner at Tao, a posh Asian fusion restaurant. It was so much fun!

We also watched the Blue Man Group. It was an interesting show to say the least. I enjoyed it, but I think I prefer the Cirque-style shows more. I'm still happy I watched it. It was just a bit strange to me.
We also saw La Reve at the Wynn. It was awesome! It's a Cirque show without the Cirque name. I heard that Mr. Wynn didn't want the Cirque name on the show because he wanted his own name on it, so that's the only real difference. The entire show was done in the water. It was gorgeous. We sat on the very front row, which was actually cheaper because of the risk of being splashed, so we could see the dancers and performers up-close. I was mesmerized the entire time and absolutely loved it!I stayed one night at my brother's house and got to spend some time with my nieces and nephew. This is a picture of Johanna and Jordan right before they went to have family pictures made. These girls are so precious! I love them so much!

I was also finally able to see my oldest niece, Jordan, show off her gymnastics skills at a meet in Fayetteville, Ark. She is so talented. I was awe-struck by her abilities. She just flips around those uneven bars like it's nothing, and her floor routine rocks the house. I am so proud of her! The above picture is of me and Jensen watching Jordan at her meet.

Well, I guess that's it for now. As you can see, we had a great time at home. I wasn't able to capture nearly all of our experiences, but I do want to say a big THANK YOU to all of you who let us stay at your house, eat your food, use your laundry detergent and drive your cars. We are so grateful for your support and thoughtfulness. We look forward to seeing you all this summer!


Carolyn said...

Welcome back! The blogging world has missed you.

JILLYN said...

It was great seeing you...and I love the pictures of those cute babies! Jensen is one cute baby!