Thursday, January 28, 2010

Running, out of milk

I don't really have a lot to say, but I'm home alone and waiting for my dinner to cool. Just thought I'd share a little bit with you before we head out of town again this weekend. I'm a bit tired so this may not make any sense at all. Props to you if you actually read it!

Things are going quite well in Japan, but we've been extremely busy lately. It seems like we have something going on every single night! It's certainly nice, but it leaves me a bit exhausted . For instance, tonight was a little bit tiring. Travis and I haven't had a whole lot of time to hang out with each other so I was really looking forward to heading home after work to have dinner with him. So much so that I planned everything out just so. You see, I had to work at a location about 45 minutes away from our house by train. Getting there requires me to first take the subway, and then I switch to a different train line and go from there. Once I arrived at my final destination, I put in some extra effort so I could get home as soon after work as possible. I went ahead and purchased my return ticket to avoid any extra stops on my way back home. I finished work at 6:16 p.m., and the train I was hoping to catch back to Nagoya was set to leave at 6:24 p.m. If I missed this train, I'd have to wait 30 min. in the freezing cold. My job is about a ten minute walk from the station. So, I decided to sprint the entire way, which is about a half a mile or so. I was also wearing dress clothes. I looked like a huge dork, but I was determined. I finally arrived at the station with about five minutes to spare. I was so relieved and excited. I was already dreaming about the delicious dinner I was going to make and was so excited that I'd be home earlier than I originally thought. I was breathing hard, but I decided to call Travis to tell him about my incredible feat. When I opened my phone, I saw that I had a voice message from him. It said he was going to have dinner with a colleague since it was his final night in Japan. What?!! All that work for nothing? Of course I didn't mind. It was just quite funny and kind of a slap in the face. All that running for nothing!

I HATE going to the grocery store. I feel bad even saying that since I am constantly thinking about all of the individuals suffering in Haiti. I can't imagine how excited they would be to even get to eat a hot meal right now. And, I'm complaining about going to the store. But, I still don't like it. In fact, when we lived in the U.S., I sometimes did not enter a grocery store for three to four weeks. It's not something I'm proud of, and I've improved drastically. The whole "lack of a full-time job thing" really doesn't leave me with a good excuse for not going. Anyway, tonight I kept debating on whether or not I should go. It is cold, and I didn't feel like it. Plus, I have to carry my groceries up two enormous flights of stairs. But, we were out of milk. So, I started thinking about Travis and about him making oatmeal in the morning. He'd have to use water instead of milk...So, I convinced myself it would be worth it. I walk in the store, pick up a few other random items and head for the milk. And, no milk. There was milk, but not the milk that I ALWAYS buy. The only milk available was the heavy cream kind. I have to wear a swimsuit soon so I don't really need anything extra sticking to my thighs. Ugh. So, we still don't have any milk.

Props for making it through my rant! We're heading to Hakuba on Saturday, so I promise a post with lots of pictures is soon to come! Oh, and the weekend after this one, we're heading to somewhere AMAZING. Can't wait to share it with you!

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