Saturday, January 19, 2013

60+ Degrees in January?! Yes, please.

Travis and I often reflect on how different our lives are post-Stella. Last night we were thrilled spending Friday evening on a Target run and catching up on a couple of TV shows via Hulu. Though we weren't exactly party animals before, we very rarely spent a Friday evening at home in our "past lives." The funny thing is, I don't miss the old days much at all.

Speaking of party animals, though, I apparently birthed one. This girl has gone crazy and has decided sleeping is boring. She wants to be where the action is. Only thing is, there really is no action in our house at 2:30 in the morning. Well, I guess there is now.

Anyway, today we were granted an unseasonably warm, beautiful and sunny day. The temperature was over 60 degrees, and we couldn't wait to bust out the stroller and hit up a little family walk. We snapped several photos on this afternoon's outing, and I must say, I think some of them turned out pretty cute. Stella's expressions crack me up, but she wasn't too thrilled about our photo shoot or the sun in her eyes.

Thankful for every day!

We followed up our time at the park with a spiked hot chocolate from VanBuskirk Chocolate Bar. It was our second time there, and I really love the place. We definitely recommend it if you're in the area.

1 comment:

Carrie said...

Oh my goodness - love how expressive she is! I'm so glad you're back to blogging!