Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Dear Alice

I just returned from a fun little afternoon outing to Osu Kannon again. I went with a few girls in search of some yukata (summer kimono) fabric. We're planning to hand sew yukatas together. Unfortunately, the yukata store was closed. It's always closed on Tuesdays. That information would have been helpful yesterday, but oh well.

Since we couldn't go shopping for our fabric, we went to Dear Alice, the cutest little cafe in the world. 
You have to enter through a little door.

You ring these little bells when you're ready to order.

It has a cute checkered ceiling.

Yummy raspberry cheesecake.

On another note, we received our first care package today. My lovely mommy and dear friend, Christy, sent us the best package ever. It was better than Christmas! I can't wait to dig into the trashy magazines they sent. I have been worried all summer long about shortcuts to a flatter tummy and Angelina's invitro. Not to mention, I am so glad that I don't have to miss the Richland Mirror's annual "Pool is open" article. I must admit, I am a bit torn over whether or not I should crack open the Downy fabric softener or sell it on the street. That stuff is $25-$30 here! I do, know, that I will for sure be using the Dawn soon. I've got some nasty pork grease to tend to.

Notice my sunglasses in the photo. They didn't exactly get here in one piece. Shucks, now I have to buy more.


Unknown said...

where is the pink pig?

JessHart27 said...

Jarvis-san (whom you have dubbed "the pink pig") will appear soon.
