Saturday, March 14, 2009

White Day

Today is White Day in Japan, which is like a girls-only Valentine's Day. On Feb. 14th in Japan, women give men chocolates, usually homemade. The men, on the other hand, don't give any gifts.  Valentine's Day in Japan goes beyond romanticism. It's common for female co-workers to give chocolates to their male co-workers with no feelings attached. One month later on March 14th, White Day, the men respond by giving more expensive gifts to the women who gave them gifts on Valentine's Day.

I wonder if Travis will be observing White Day today. :)


Heather said...

So...interested to know...was White Day observed by Travis?? Girls get off pretty nice...only have to buy a cheap gift, yet receive a nice one. I like it!

JessHart27 said...

Well, it was sorta kinda observed. Travis did observe Valentine's Day and surprised me with some goodies in Thailand. He also gave me some chocolates a few days before White Day so I suppose he still gets credit. I think he just gave them to me in advance because he was worried about forgetting.