Sunday, March 24, 2013

Six Months!

Well, here we are at six months already. I'll spare you all of the "I cannot believe she is already six months." "It goes by so quickly!" "Seems like she was just born yesterday!" statements and just get on with it already.

Stella is pretty much the coolest chick around. You are most likely already aware of that, but she is so much fun! She didn't go to her six-month checkup because we'll be taking care of that closer to seven months based on our pediatrician's recent decision to go into private practice, which is awesome by the way. We basically set everything up online, and the longest I've waited for a response directly from our pediatrician has been four hours, and that wasn't even for something urgent. Feels a bit like old-fashioned medicine, except for the fact that so much of it is done online. Good stuff.

Stella is changing so quickly. She is now mobile. She rolls from point A to point B effortlessly and has started scooted some as well. It won't be long until she is full-on crawling. I'm so excited for her, but I'm also terrified. We're still storing our kitchen knives on the bottom shelf in the kitchen. (Who does that anyway?) Don't worry, I promise I'll move them!

In the last month or so, Stella has experienced several firsts. Her first St. Patrick's Day, her first bites of solid food, her first fall off of a semi-high surface, first playdate and first trip to the zoo, among some others I'm undoubtedly forgetting. Ok, I know you're wondering about the fall. I don't really want to talk about it, but let's just say it happened on my watch and was dumb. Stella is fine, and fortunately every single mom I've mentioned it to has said the very same thing happened to them. Though I still feel stupid about it, that has been comforting to hear. And, let me re-emphasize that Stella was not phased by the incident.

Though we don't have an "official" weight and height update, Travis and I weighed and measured our little sweetheart.

Weight: 22 lbs. (approximately)

Height: 27 inches (approximately)

We are so thankful she's healthy!

She currently loves playing on the floor surrounded by toys and has figured out how to scoot over and pull her books off the shelf. Stella is also a big fan of her big sister. When Skittle is in the room, she is pretty much fixated on her. Thankfully Skittle seems to like Stella and will even let her pet her from time to time. Stella is a pretty happy baby but always wants to be moving. She loves sitting in the shopping cart, riding in the stroller and being toted around in the baby carrier.

Stella is still waking up multiple times per night, but we're getting better about giving her a few minutes to settle before rushing to her side. That means she is falling back asleep some of the time! Her "sleep schedule" is basically nonexistent. She is very unpredictable, and I can't listen to her cry. So sue me. We'll figure it out eventually, but for now, I am just rolling with it and am very thankful to have the flexibility to do so.

Oh, and I should add that while she did say "ma-ma" for the first time the other day, we haven't heard it since. :( Dang.

Below are a few pictures we snapped of Sweet Stella Breann. She is so active and always busy these days. This month, we had to fight to keep the sticker on her onesie. She kept tearing it off and sticking it into her mouth.

Girl loves her feet!
Nom nom nom!
Big girl!
She talks with her hands!
To me, there is nothing cuter than a baby in sunglasses or a swimsuit. We bought Stella two pairs yesterday, and I cannot get enough of them. These are her CeeLo Green shades. The others won't be making their debut until later as the Easter Bunny is bringing them. :)

Thanks for reading about our little gal!

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