Friday, March 1, 2013

Five Months!

Keeping this blog updated is proving to be far more difficult than I anticipated. But, as I mentioned before, I really want to use it to keep a record of Stella's growth and babyhood.

So, even though I'm a week late, Stella turned five months. It's so hard to believe she's already been with us for five whole months, but then again, I have a hard time remembering what life was like before her, too.

We didn't have an official doctor's appointment so I don't really have any updated stats to share. Of course I could get the measuring tape out and put her on our scale at home, but she is such a squirmy wormy these days that I don't think I'll bother. The ache in my shoulders every morning is enough of a reminder that she's growing. :)

So far, I think the most change has occurred between months four and five. Stella is now rolling all over the floor and scooting a little. I place her on one end of her blanket to turn back only a few moments later to see that she's managed to get all the way to the other side facing the opposite direction. It's pretty amazing!

She's now taking baths in the big tub, and bathing her is so much more fun and so much easier now. She loves to splash around in the tub and loves bathtime. She isn't sitting on her own yet, but she can balance in a sitting position for quite a bit longer now. She has two (very sharp!) teeth on the bottom, and I am expecting more to appear on the top any day now.

One of her favorite games is one she plays with Daddy. They go around dropping toys and picking them up. She could do this for hours! And, Daddy is great at making her laugh. I give "peek-a-boo" my all and manage to only get a few chuckles, but when Daddy does it, she just dies laughing. I really need to work on being more animated.

Stella also loves Skittle. She is always reaching for her and just begging Skittle to allow her to pet her. So far Skittle isn't very interested but occasionally she'll let Stella give her a little pat or two.

Much to my relief, Stella loves shopping at Target. I put her in her wrap, and we have such a good time strolling the aisles. She's great at helping me decide which birthday card a friend will like best or which hue of fingernail polish I should select. The only problem is that she sometimes falls asleep when I need her opinion most. Yesterday I was asking for her help in selecting her Aunt Holli's birthday present and as I was talking, I looked down to see she was sound asleep. We'll have to work on that.

We still don't really have a sleep schedule. Her naps are rare and inconsistent despite my best efforts. I'm just learning to roll with it. She still stays up pretty late and wakes a few times each night, but whatever. I've chosen to just go with the flow and have felt a lot of liberation in not planning my day around naptimes that often last only 30 minutes or don't occur at all. Plus, if she takes long, scheduled naps, what excuse will I have when my house is a total wreck?! :)

I love taking her monthly pictures. It will be fun to see how much more difficult they get! By the end of this month's session, she was eating her sticker.

I swear we did not pose Stella this way. She fell into this pose all on her own. Travis and I were dying laughing! 

Stella is getting more and more fun all the time. I really wasn't a big fan of the newborn stage, but I am really soaking her up now. She is so entertaining and sweet. When I fall asleep at night, I honestly look forward to her waking up so I can see her smile! Even when it is at 3 a.m.

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