Monday, March 25, 2013

Epic Snow!

I have been fighting the nap battle with Stella for over an hour now. I thought I had won but just heard another cry. That girl is a fighter let me tell ya! She has got some serious spirit and hates to miss a thing. I'm more exhausted than she is at this point. I implemented the baby straight jacket approach this last time, and it seemed to be pretty effective. We shall see.

Anyway, I wanted to share some pictures we took yesterday during a record snowfall here in the St. Louis area. We got at least a foot of snow at our house. It is so beautiful. Kind of strange to appear on Palm Sunday, but I was thrilled. You see, Travis is always out of town during bad weather, and this time he was home! Yay! I was hoping we'd be snowed in together today as well, but no such luck. I mean, the guy even drives an old-man-gold Corolla, and he still had no trouble getting to work today. Guess the highway crews did a pretty bang-up job on the roads around here.

I have been wanting to get some pictures of Stella in the snow for a while now, but the timing just never seemed to work. During the last snowfall she was battling a yucky cold so it really didn't seem appropriate to take her out in freezing conditions. Is that ever really a wise choice with a baby? In my opinion, yes. These moments must be captured on camera.

It had literally been years since I had played in the snow so I not so patiently waited for Stella to nap so we could get in the backyard. Travis and I suited up with the baby monitor in a plastic baggie and had such a great time! Travis was insistent on building an enormous snowman. So we did just that.

What do you think?

1 comment:

Carrie said...

I love you guys! What fantastic pictures of a memorable event! And I love even more that you and Travis built a giant snowman, just for your own fun.