Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Buttons Everywhere

Good news! Our air shipment arrived yesterday, and now we're living in our apartment. It's so much better than the hotel room, and I'm so happy to be able to start getting settled.

I thought it would be fun to give you a little tour of some of the control panels we have in our apartment. It seems like there are buttons everywhere you turn. 

This photo is of the control panel outside of our shower. It enables us to change the temperature inside the shower if we want to use the shower as a clothes dryer. Our washing machine is tiny and is actually a washer/dryer combo. The dryer doesn't work so hot and uses a lot of electricity so we'll most likely be hanging our clothes on the patio or using the shower drying option.

This is the panel for the toilet. It's pretty stinking awesome. The lid opens as we approach the toilet, it flushes automatically and then gives a little warning beep before the lid closes for a final time. These buttons allow us to use the bidet option, change the temperature and even dry our parts after they've been thoroughly washed.

These are the dishwasher controls. I'm pretty sure I won't really be using it because it's pretty tiny, and I'm too scared to mess it up. Plus, I'm not working right now so I have plenty of time to wash by hand. Don't pass out, mom.

These buttons, located in the kitchen, turn on the hot water and allow us to control the temperature. This panel also allows us to start a bath from the kitchen and select the water temperature. The water level, temperature, etc. can be programmed so that a bath can be run at the same time each day. 

This isn't the last of the buttons, but it's the last of my pictures. These buttons control the wood floor heaters. Almost every room has a separate panel so that we can keep our tootsies warm during the winter.

Hope you enjoyed the button tour!


Anonymous said...

jessica....those look like they will take a while to figure out. i like reading your blog and finding out what you're up to. gives me a mini escape in the middle of the day!! glad you are doing well. jamie kiehne

Anonymous said...

I wish we had more buttons. We struggle with the remote control, though. Manual operation has its advantages. I have to admit that I get jealous reading your blogs and Matt and Vicki's blogs about crazy adventures in places we may never see. Thanks for sharing the adventure with us. I hope you get to soak it all in, but I hope it goes by quickly as well.

Blogging Miles said...

Reminds me of that game called buttons, buttons, whose got the buttons? Actually, that game is pretty lame. your button tour was way cooler.