Thursday, July 17, 2008

A Tropical Oasis Awaits Us

In less than a month, I hope to be sitting on the beach you see in the photo above. Travis gets a week off in August for the Japanese holiday called Obon. So, we're heading to Guam. I couldn't be more excited. Rumor is that the island has a Taco Bell AND the world's largest Kmart. Could you really ask for anything more?


Unknown said...

I'm so jealous - first Japan and now Guam.

Sara said...

I was just wondering how you and Travis would feel about a tag along to that beach? It looks pretty inviting!
Thanks so much for posting on here, it helps me feel connected with what's going on in your world, half way around the world...
We miss you!

Anonymous said...

OK now I'm jealous...I hope you get to see the Weltons...they may be off in Fiji or Bora Bora or something. Tell them we said hello. I tried raw sucks. And now my belly hurts. Is that OK? I hope Japan and your buttons are treating you right. Too bad you don't have a beam me up scotty button that could beam you guys here for a few days and then back to Japan. 65 Thursdays and counting...

Andrea Paul said...

That looks wonderful! I think Scot should take me there for our honeymoon. They have cheap flights, right?