Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Japanese Black Friday?

I just returned from quite the shopping experience. It seems as though I have stumbled upon the Japanese version of Black Friday. Oh, what a shame.

I went shopping today, and the sales were oh so abundant. It was crazy. There were people everywhere and practically elbowing each other to get the highest quality sweat dabber cloths. I think that's what all of the high-end washcloth-like things are. Pretty sure you buy really trendy and cute washcloths at department stores so that you can dab the sweat beads off of your face and forehead in style. The summers here include ungodly humidity, thus such an accessory is necessary. Missouri has nothing on Japan when it comes to humidity. Ok, I'm exaggerating, but my jeans were definitely sticking to me today. But then again, why was I wearing jeans?

Speaking of things you wear on your bottom half, you cannot even begin to fathom the booty shorts that exist here. I have never in my life seen shorter shorts. They're everywhere, too. Apparently it's in style to wear denim undies with heels and parade around. I think that's one trend I will not be bringing back to the U.S. Go ahead, thank me now.

Well, it is with great sadness that I admit to returning from my bargain hunt with only a few items-a shirt, some postcards and a few Japanese text books. Next time I guess I'll have to take more ammunition.


Unknown said...

I'm so glad your getting into the habit of posting so early! Keep them coming! I love reading about your adventures!

Lainey said...

I miss you THIS (if i could make it bigger I would) much! I absolutely LOVE your blog...I'm TOTALLY living vicariously (sp?) through you :) I'm happy to hear that you've arrived safely and you're adjusting well. Did you see any pushers on the train?!?! Probably not b/c they would have thrown at least 2 of your 7 bags off to fit 15 more riders...HA!

Unknown said...

jess, could you please bring the booty shorts back in style? i know you would wear them with such finesse and grace :) okay, maybe not... seriously, though, i'm so glad you're blogging. the funny thing is that i can actually hear you telling these stories in your charming jessica way. anywho, i miss you terribly, my friend! can't wait to catch up soon!

Andrea Paul said...

Fun blog! I can't wait to hear about more adventures and see some pictures. If you're not going to buy the booty shorts, atleast take a photo so we can fully understand what your talking about. :-)